The Triple Goddess Tarot is a tarot deck created by Isha Lerner and illustrated by Mara Friedman. This deck draws inspiration from the concept of the Triple Goddess, a deity archetype found in various pagan and Wiccan traditions. The Triple Goddess represents the three aspects of the divine feminine: the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone, each symbolizing different stages of life and the cycles of nature.
The Triple Goddess Tarot features 78 cards, including the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. The artwork in this deck is rich with symbolism, mythological references, and natural imagery, reflecting the interconnectedness of the human experience with the cycles of the natural world.
The Major Arcana cards of the Triple Goddess Tarot follow the traditional tarot structure, with cards such as The Fool, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Lovers, The Moon, and so on. However, each card is infused with the symbolism of the Triple Goddess, offering a unique perspective on the archetypes and themes represented.
The Minor Arcana cards are divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles. Each suit reflects a different aspect of life and is associated with one of the Triple Goddess aspects. For example, the Maiden represents the Wands suit, representing creativity, inspiration, and new beginnings, while the Crone represents the Swords suit, symbolizing wisdom, introspection, and the challenges of transformation.
The Triple Goddess Tarot can be used for divination, self-reflection, and spiritual exploration. It offers a lens through which to view the different stages of life, the cycles of nature, and the archetypal energies of the divine feminine. Working with this deck can provide insights into personal growth, intuitive development, and connecting with the natural world.